
mothership4marketers (“mo4ma”) is a joint marketing project developed and operated by Wellco International, marketing research consultancy specializing in qualitative research, and Ten Proxy, product development marketing consultancy.

Organization profile

■ TP : TEN PROXY, Inc. 

Address : 2-11-3 Shimouma Setagayaku Tokyo 

tel. +81-3-3413-2267, 

Established : 1996

Business : Product development consulting, WEB consulting, Systems Design, Implementation, and Operation * robobakkon Marketing Project, Marketers Production Team * Award Digital Transformation service

■ Wellco:Wellco International Co, ltd.

Address : 6F Yamada Building 6-12-23 JIngumae Shibuyaku Tokyo


Established : 2003

Business : Qualitative research service, Focus Group Interview room service, Marketing consulting


We are planning the following activities for the registered members as part of our services.

  • Manage research groups focusing on business/design methods and design processes
  • Organize open workshops
  • Set up a consortium to engage in the promotion, system development, and office management for mo4ma

System Environment

Our website employs the secure Zoho’s Saas application, top-rated solution in the U.S., as a marketing service framework. It enables connection, cooperation, and collaboration in the mothership4markters community. The framework provides the highest level of security for the members by ensuring that all data, including registration information, confidential information of development projects, intellectual property, and deliverables, are fully protected.

For more information about Zoho, please visit :